Monday, March 16, 2009

Unfortunately, this needs to be short.

So, I guess the time has finally come for me to enter the realm of blogging again! Most notably I had a Live journal for a while and came to abandoning it. I need to make this entry short because of the responsibilities I have for school. First off, I'm writing this blog in an attempt to do things with my Girlfriend that don't cost a lot of money. Me similar to many in my age range are in the dilemma of being in credit card debt. Not having finished college and working at the local Starbucks (4 years in since January) doesn't help either. Hopefully this blog will help me:

1. Save Money
2. Pay off debt
3. Figure out fun things that are relatively in expensive
4. Create a network (support group) of other people who are experiencing a similar economic situation to myself.

I think that is all.

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