Sunday, March 22, 2009


So..... Dear Jesus H. FUCKING CHRIST, how self righteous do we have to get?

1. Torture is bad.

2. Torture doesn't work.

The United States is good and believes all men are created equal and deserve certain human rights.

Seriously this isn't rocket science.

The CIA better damn well hand over 3,000 tapes of them torturing people to the ACLU. I want some serious prosecution! If the CIA refuses then I'm saying game over on a few things:

First, we can't say home of the free because of the brave.
Second, lets stop with this These Colors Don't Run......Bullshit.
Third we shouldn't sing God Bless America, The National Anthem, or the Star Spangled Banner or the Pledge of Alliance. (Cindy informed me as to the fact that the National Anthem and the Star Spangled Banner were the same f'ing thing, who knew? Cindy! I guess!)

Because it's all a joke. We have three groups of people. Group one the fanatics, the Sarah Palin, Anne Coulter kill abortion doctor, Jesus is going to be here, we came from Adam and Eve basket cases.

Group two are the apathetic, uniformed, and easily distrated. The eternal *cough* Cop Out dumb asses have some semblance of logic up in their head sometimes, somewhere. These people are whatc I call the swings. These people can fall into group one rapidly ---Look at Bush's Aproval ratings right after 9/11. Yeah, really confidant.

Group three is the completely obcessed about everything group. They are concerned about so many outragious things, they can't even unite with another group. Take for example, Could you imagine Green Peace teaming up with NARL? HAHAHA! Nope, not exactly. So they are to busy fighting each other. Well This is a rant and I love ranting. More to come soon!

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